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接案身分: 專職SOHO

上線時間: 3天前

接案地點: 皆可

成交件數: 3

受邀次數: 115

專長: # 英文翻譯 # 文字寫作/創作


我畢業於台灣師範大學社會教育系,輔修英語學系,並赴澳洲深造,取得澳洲雪梨大學傳播學碩士學位、澳洲西雪梨大學大學翻譯碩士文憑,並榮獲澳洲國家翻譯籍口譯鑒定機構NAATI的中英互譯雙向筆譯資格認證(NAATI Number: 94843),之後在雪梨當地企業裡擔任文書和翻譯工作,平日也與翻譯社合作,兼職翻譯各類文件。旅居國外多年, 英文書寫程度已接近以英文為母語的人士。翻譯經驗近10年,翻譯過的文章內容包羅萬象, 案主遍及台灣和海外,因篇幅限制, 無法在此詳細列舉。中譯英與英譯中皆精通。費用依文章篇幅和類型而定, 歡迎來信討論, 謝謝!

I received my undergraduate education in Taiwan and postgraduate education in Australia, during which time I received a Graduate Diploma in Translation and became a NAATI accredited professional translator between English and Chinese languages (NAATI number 94843). I have an excellent command in Chinese and English, and have nearly 10 years of solid translation experience in Australia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

I currently work as a freelance English-Chinese translator, and I have provided language services for prestigious translation agencies, government agencies, and international businesses. My clients have included education providers, education agents, law firms, accounting firms, investment consulting firms, insurance companies, banks, pharmaceutical companies, property developers, manufacturers, healthcare groups, hotels, travel agents, and individual clients.

Major organizations I recently provided language services to include: Alcon, Advance Mobility, Aaron Investments Limited, ACE Self Storage Partners, Cathy United Bank, Tripet Enterprises P/L, Ocean Park Hong Kong, Miramar Group Hong Kong, Hong Kong Holocaust & Tolerance Centre, Buyers Laboratory (BLI), UMP Healthcare Group, New Century Hotel & Casino Macau, Heng Sheng International Business Center, Yuh Shiuann Industries Co., Ltd., and National Taiwan University.

Areas of specialization: Art, business, beauty, education, finance, fashion, history, health and nutrition, hospitality and tourism, law, media, medicine, marketing, real estate, social science, and technology.

I am a conscientious worker who is dedicated to my work and attentive to the needs of my clients. I work around the clock and produce up to 5,000 a day.

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Word、 Excel。



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